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July 03, 2004



I posted a response to another note of yours but can't find it right now. On the question of ongoing revelation Owen Barfield was convinced of the urgent need to see the reality of this. Following on his profound studies of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Rudolf Steiner he continued in a conviction of its actuality and discussed instances in recent literature, e.g. D.H. Lawrence and Doestoyevsky.

I would also include, however, Coleridge himself, J.W. Goethe and Rudolf Steiner. More recent include Barfield himself and Georg Kuhlewind.

Regarding the question that these "prophets" are saying things that one agrees with ... or are really only confirming one's own prejudices ... is an assertion to be tested in the field. The distinguishing element in a genuinely prophetic work is that it represents an advance of some kind, taking something familiar but going further than one had on one's own.

Interesting are distinguishing elements between prophets, for example, D. H. Lawrence and, say, Coleridge. This can be considered analogous to the differences between prophets in the Bible. Some are more "on target" and generally able to communicate on a broad level, like Isaiah, while others are much harder to appreciate today, like Zechariah. These factors are related to the writers personality, learning and talent, as well as logical skills and intelligence.

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