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August 22, 2005



Couldn't agree more. In fact, I just made a statement very similiar to the one you make here: "our job is humbly to seek the truth about what God in fact has done, and about how in fact he has done it, whatever that truth turns out to be."



(Here was my take on it, BTW: "Isn't the important thing to recognize where "ideology" might be in error - to let go of our own preconceived notions, IOW - and to search open-mindedly for Truth? To follow where it leads?")


Problem: How do you "investigate" a diety? You cannot. Once you base a hypothesis on a non-naturalistic explanation, there is no way to disprove that hypothesis. Everything can be dismissed with "Because that's how God wanted it." I have no problem with ID as philosophy; it simply CANNOT be science by definition because it makes no testable predictions and cannot be disproven.


I don't think that's what D.C. is saying, although he might want to correct me.

He's saying that it's silly to try to disprove evolution; that we ought to simply accept what science discovers in its investigations.

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