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April 07, 2007


V Knutsen

We have only begun to figure out the nature versus nurture thing. I have to fight the urge to use food as a drug. My husband does not fight that same urge. Possibly I share with some relations (who abuse alcohol) some genetic predisposition.

I think that some in my family (of scandinavian descent) show distinct characteristics of fierceness & bravery---possibly a partly genetic thing...from the ancient Vikings??? The gene research is still fairly NEW. Too early to draw hard & fast conclusions till lots of research i done.

Whether or not religious belief is genetically linked---it doesn't matter to me. We have not even really addressed the possibility that---maybe??? our choices---especially repeated choices might influence our genetics. We are about 3 years old when it comes to understanding how that INCRAEDIBLY complex thing (deoxyribonucleic acid) affects us.

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