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April 04, 2009


patrick land

you must be joking. the will of the people overwhelmingly decided to keep marriage as being defined as one man and one woman. it is not the judges role to make laws. i am very sick of the liberal judges thinking that they can overrule what the people want. this is a major problem in our country today!

D. C. Toedt

@Patrick, the Iowa judges weren't overruling the will of the people, they were enforcing it, as previously expressed in the Iowa constitution's equal-protection clause.

Dave Kelsen

One aspect of what made this country great, as well as unique, is that we are not a democracy, subject solely to 'the will of the people'. We are a representative republic, and as DC directed in his presentation, we should read the court's discourse on the value of protecting individual rights from majority rule.

William Dawson

Whats wrong with gay mariage? How will it harm us? What sickens me is how people can accuse and deny a group of people hapiness. Mariage doesn't have to be between a man and a woman, and I see no reason why it should be restrcited as such. There are two reasons why Gay Mariage arn't accepted, 1. Tradition, which is crap because "traditionally" only white land owning males could vote, and "traditionally" the jews were prosocuted by the church. Now the church is prosocuting the gays and it is just as bad. The second argument is religion which is also crap because of the seperation between church and state. What the bible says is irrelivent in a secular government. Please keep your blatent hatred and discrimination to yourself. For all you know you might be the next group of people to be discriminated.

D. C. Toedt

William Dawson, it would help if you clarified to whom you're addressing your screed.

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