I've got a crude but effective lash-up to keep track of comment threads on other blogs such as TitusOneNine. Here’s how to create a similar set-up for yourself.
1. Sign up for a free account with the famous delicious.com. This isn’t a fly-by-night Web site; they’ve been around for years, and are now owned by Yahoo.
2. Install the delicious.com bookmarklet in your browser’s toolbar. If you want, rename the bookmarklet to something short; in my set-up, it’s “BkMk – del” (see the picture below).
3. Whenever you read a blog post with comments you want to follow:
- While on the blog-post page, click on your new delicious.com bookmarklet, which in my case is named “BkMk – del”.
- When the delicious.com screen comes up, you should see the title and URL of the blog post already filled in – see the picture below.
- Fill in the “tag” field with the word "comments" (or whatever).
4. To get a list of blog posts you’re following, go to the delicious.com page for your account that’s filtered for just your “comments” tag. The URL will be http://delicious.com/[yourusername]/comments. You’ll see all the posts you’ve tagged with “comments.”
- You can drag the URL from the browser’s address field into your toolbar; this will create a bookmark – see the “Cmts” in the picture below.
5. When you’re done following a particular blog post’s comments, go to your delicious.com comment page and click on the link to delete that page from your “comments” list – see picture below.