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Building a universe
(a very embryonic compilation project)
The Great Project: We're Helping to Build a Universe
Creation: A Titanic Set of Processes That Continues Today
Why I Still Call Myself a Christian and an Episcopalian
Some Reasons to Think There's a Creator
The Continuing Creation: Not Carpentry, But Bonsai
Admit It: Life Is Indeed Getting Better
Progress, Hope, and Trust in God: A Thought Experiment
The world isn't broken, it's just unfinished
Good News, Bad News: Sin as Evolutionary Side Effect?
What It's All AboutRediscovering the religion of Jesus (not the one about him)
Goyim for God: A reformed Judaism, open to gentiles, like Paul wanted in the first place
Faith = Openness to Truth = Trust in God
Putting God First Means Facing the Facts
Christianity = The Great Commandment
The real Christianity: Devotion to God and care for one another
The Difference Between Christians and Jews
"So Just What Do You Believe, Dad?"
Can You Still Be a Christian if You Don't Believe Jesus was the Son of God?
Worship: Acknowledging God,
Not Groveling Before Him
A Crude, and Moving, Wooden Cross
What the Cross Really Symbolizes
The Perfect, Changeless Religion: There Isn't One
Some inconvenient difficulties with traditionalist Christianity
Christianity's Elephant in the Room
Six Reasons for Skepticism About the New Testament Accounts
Reasons to Question the Reliability of Scripture
My Favorite Theological Question: "How Do You Know That?"
Is Jesus Coming Again? The Predictors' Track Record Doesn't Inspire Confidence
What Did "Messiah" Mean to the Apostles?
The Apostles' Teaching Didn't Seem to Include a Divine Jesus
The Trinity: A Football Analogy (see esp. the comments)
The Empty Tomb: Another Possibility
Resurrection Appearances: What Did the Disciples Really Experience?
"Jesus is Lord" Didn't Mean "Jesus is God"
Maybe we're giving the Gospel too much credit
Are We Smarter Than the Apostles?
A different approach to "doing church"
Communion without baptism: "The stranger must be welcomed and offered the best of what we have"
Communion at Burger King or IHOP
Let Small Groups Celebrate Their Own Eucharists
Four Short, Responsive Prayers Every Episcopalian Should Memorize
What is the Proper Role of Bishops?
The apostolic succession belongs to all the baptized, not just to bishops
Catholicity isn't all it's cracked up to be
What's Wrong with Being "Just a Religious Fraternity"?
The Rotary Club could be the ideal church
A Common Faith? Sure - If We're Willing to Look for It
Effort or Results - What Exactly is Our Job as Evangelists?